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Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Netherlands Poetry: IN DE TUIN

In De Tuin
(J. Greshoff)

In de beveiliging
Der paarse schaduwing
Zit zingende het kind
te spelen met de wind

Mijn boom ritselt zo vrouwelijk
Ik zit er zo vertrouwelijk
Te zingen in de wind
Tot God, misschien, mij vindt


In The Garden

In the protecting
The purple shading
Singing about a kid
Playing with the wind

My tree rustles as feminine
I sit there confidentially
Singing in the wind
God, perhaps, find me

The poetry is taken from "Bloemlezing Gedichten" (A Poetry Anthology) by J. Greshoff, a Dutch poet and journalist who died in 1971. Thru this petry, Ardhi explicates it as the situation of "insecurity and loneliness". The word "beveiliging" which means security or protection shows as if it is something expected from the author to get of "The Garden".
     Yes, "The Garden" should protect "The Kid" who has the story here, whereas the kid felt "The Purple Shading", something which makes him insecure while he tries to enjoy himself in the loneliness (playing with the wind).
     "The Kid" describes his "Tree" in the garden just like a mother with a feminine touch to make him comfort. Thus, by trying to feel the comfort feeling, he suggests himself to be calm while praying God will always protect him and show him into the right path. Somehow "The Kid" in this written art could be a man with an unstable mentally situation.

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