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Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

Indonesian Poetry: "NOTABENE: AKU KANGEN"

Notabene: Aku Kangen
(WS. Rendra)

Lunglai - ganas karena bahagia dan sedih,

indah dan gigih cinta kita di dunia yang fana.

Nyawamu dan nyawaku dijodohkan langit,

dan anak kita akan lahir di cakrawala.

Ada pun mata kita akan terus bertatapan hingga berabad-abad lamanya.

Juwitaku yang cakap meskipun tanpa dandanan

untukmu hidupku terbuka.

Warna-warna kehidupan berpendar-pendar menakjubkan

Isyarat-isyarat getaran ajaib menggerakkan penaku.

Tanpa sekejap pun luput dari kenangan padamu

aku bergerak menulis pamplet, mempertahankan kehidupan.


P.S: I Miss You

Limp - ferocious as happy and sad,

Beautiful and persistent of our love in the mortal world.

Your life and my life betrothed by sky,

and our children will be born on the horizon.

There also we will continue to stare at each other for centuries.

My Lady so pretty even without makeup

you open up my life.

The colors are amazing glowing life

Magical vibration cues to move my pen.

Without a splashed time you will be spared the memories

I was moved to write pamphlets, sustain life.

This poetry was created by an Indonesia poet: WS. Rendra in Kotabumi, Jakarta, March 24, 1978. Overall, this poetry reflects about relationship among man and woman who bring the love as a worship. Anything happens during a relationship must be considered into trust to God. As if the writer wants a destiny that each thing he feels is a "gift". By bringing love with worship, it will create a person not to concern with "the glowing life" since the love has been glowed himself. Meanwhile, running some material (write pamphlets, it's related to working. red) for a living is a necessary thing to "sustain life" for the love itself.

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014


Dimanche Matin
(Emile Verhaeren)

Oh! les éveils des bourgades sous l'or des branches,
Où courent la lumière et l'ombre -- et les roseaux
Et les aiguilles d'or des insectes des eaux
Et les barres des ponts de bois et leurs croix blanches.

Et le pré plein de fleurs et l'écurie en planches
Et le bousculement des baquets et des seaux
Autour de la mangeoire où grouillent les pourceaux,
Et la servante, avec du cru soleil aux manches.

Ces nets éveils dans les matins! - Des mantelets,
De bonnets blancs et des sarraus, par troupelets,
Gagnaient le bourg et son clocher couleur de craie.

Pommes et bigarreaux! - Et, par-dessus la haie
Luisaient les beaux fruits mÛrs, et, dans le verger clair,
Brusque, comme un sursaut, claquait du linge en l'air


Sunday Morning

Oh! awakenings of the villages under the gold branches,
Where to run the light and shade - and reeds
And gold needles water insects
Bars and wooden bridges and white crosses.

And the meadow full of flowers and stable boards
And jostling tubs and buckets
Around the manger swarming swine,
And the maid, with raw sun sleeves.

These net awakenings in the morning! - The mantles,
White hats and coats, for troupelets,
Earned the town and colored chalk steeple.

Apples and cherries! - And, over the hedge
Gleamed beautiful ripe fruit, and, in the light orchard
Brusque, as a start, slammed the machine in the air yard

Wow... this "Sunday Morning" is a marvelous jigsaw thus it makes Ardhi a bit hard for juggling each word of it. At. the first stanza, it shows the atmosphere of purity. It shows the mindset of a person who clear and optimistic. Semiotic-ally it can be showed from the phrase "wooden bridges" and "white crosses", as if there's a lot of hope to find out.
     Going to the second stanza, many "and"s here are showing about how thankful the author is. Since many blessings that the author gets and it comes continuously. 
     The third stanza explored which happiness has come from the very early morning. Preparing suits to run activities. Activities have been described as "troupelets", a kind of Israeli traditional dance. Indeed, seizing the time of each activity could be meaningful (earned the town and colored chalk steeple).
     Simple, yes the last stanza teaches us to keep optimistic and spread spirit of happiness like shown in "slammed the machine in the air yard" as if everybody could breath the air of the spirit itself.

This poem was written by Emile Verhaeren in 1883. taken from the book "Les Forces tumultueuses et autres poemes". Ardhi had bought this book at the event "Les Printemps Des Poetes" at Francais Institut - Yogyakarta, 2007.

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Netherlands Poetry: IN DE TUIN

In De Tuin
(J. Greshoff)

In de beveiliging
Der paarse schaduwing
Zit zingende het kind
te spelen met de wind

Mijn boom ritselt zo vrouwelijk
Ik zit er zo vertrouwelijk
Te zingen in de wind
Tot God, misschien, mij vindt


In The Garden

In the protecting
The purple shading
Singing about a kid
Playing with the wind

My tree rustles as feminine
I sit there confidentially
Singing in the wind
God, perhaps, find me

The poetry is taken from "Bloemlezing Gedichten" (A Poetry Anthology) by J. Greshoff, a Dutch poet and journalist who died in 1971. Thru this petry, Ardhi explicates it as the situation of "insecurity and loneliness". The word "beveiliging" which means security or protection shows as if it is something expected from the author to get of "The Garden".
     Yes, "The Garden" should protect "The Kid" who has the story here, whereas the kid felt "The Purple Shading", something which makes him insecure while he tries to enjoy himself in the loneliness (playing with the wind).
     "The Kid" describes his "Tree" in the garden just like a mother with a feminine touch to make him comfort. Thus, by trying to feel the comfort feeling, he suggests himself to be calm while praying God will always protect him and show him into the right path. Somehow "The Kid" in this written art could be a man with an unstable mentally situation.